Workouts and instructions to strengthen and develop the muscles in your arms, including the Biceps and Triceps.
This exercise is a great finishing movement that I think is really going to add a lot of shape to the biceps, and it’s also going to help you concentrate a little more, focus a little more on peaking the biceps when you’re working your biceps.
What I’m going to show you here is an exercise that not only serves as an excellent warm up for any arm workout, definitely a triceps workout and definitely something you want to do before going into a major pressing movement or skull crushers.
What we’re going to do is emphasize the bottom part of the movement, get a really good stretch on the triceps – very much like the skull crusher, except in this exercise we’re going to be able to control the movement a little more. It’s a little less stressful on the elbow joint. This is going to be a nice movement to finish off your triceps routine with.
Now we’re going to change it up a little bit, get a little more range of motion by doing one arm at a time. That’s really the advantage of going one arm at a time. That, and if you have a weak side, you can really emphasize that weak side and bring it back into balance. This is the one arm triceps press down.
The pullover is a great exercise to perform because it really spreads you out. It helps get more blood flowing to the upper body. It really expands at the joints so that you can perform or avoid injuries and perform different activities without so many limitations.
This exercise, the biceps curl, we’re using a bar bell, is probably the best exercise for overall mass development in the upper arm, but it’s also the exercise that can really get butchered to the point where you can cause an injury. So we’re going to perform this exercise the right way, and then I’ll talk about some things you want watch for.
This exercise, the skull crushers, are notorious for causing injury in the elbow joint. I myself had given up on this exercise for some time. So I really I started to look at it, and really focus on doing it correctly. That’s what I’m going to share with you today. This is a great exercise for triceps development. But it really has to be performed correctly.
Pull-ups are some of the best movements to perform for adding width to the back and a lot of the width that comes from the back is due to the development of the latissimus dorsi.
This exercise is a variation of the pull-up or chin-up but what we are doing here is change the grip. A lot of times the grip really defines the exercise. So here we are going to bring in a few different muscles. We are going to be able to get a little more range of motion by bringing our grip in and positioning our hands in what we call a neutral position.
This exercise, the skull crushers, are notorious for causing injury in the elbow joint. I myself had given up on this exercise for some time. So I really I started to look at it, and really focus on doing it correctly. That’s what I’m going to share with you today. This is a great exercise for triceps development. But it really has to be performed correctly.
So the whole biceps training thing is a really interesting subject because a lot of times what you see in the gym is incorrect form. It’s recruitment of other muscle groups that have nothing to do with the biceps. We are going to cover what I think is meat and potatoes for the biceps.
The next exercise is a very deceptive exercise because it’s going to look like the focus is on the bicep alone when in all reality it’s more of a forearm exercise. This is what we call the pronated biceps curl.
This exercise is a great exercise for the triceps whether you are using this exercise to warm up before your triceps routine or at the end just to finish off with the good pump in the triceps. It’s hard to beat triceps kickbacks.
We mentioned there’s three heads to the triceps. We are going to work each one just a little differently so the first thing we are going to do is change the grip. We are going to start off with what we call a supinated grip.
This exercise is the overhead triceps extension. This is a really great exercise for building mass for the triceps but it also puts the triceps in a very stretched position. So be careful not to do a whole lot of weight to start with. The weight will come just make sure that your elbow joint is pretty warmed up before you get into this movement.
This exercise is tremendous and often overlooked for triceps development. I like to use this as a standalone but also as part of a super set. If perhaps I am doing some rope extensions I like to bring this in to really tire the triceps out or in the end of a workout to get that last bit of blood into that muscle group and get a good pump.
In this exercise we are going to take a very common exercise called skull crushers. We are going to modify it by making each arm work independently and we are going to add a twist, a rotation of the forearm, so that we can focus on different parts or different heads of the triceps.
If you ever get a chance to see someone who is very muscular, you put their arm out, and then just turn their wrist, and notice how their biceps flexes. So this is something that’s never taught, that the positioning of the forearm or the wrist is dependent on what the biceps can do. So we are going to take advantage of that. We are going to exploit that property of the biceps function in this next exercise.
This next movement is a great movement even if someone wants to do it just for biceps development, this is also a great movement because it focuses on the peak of the biceps really adding some peak to that biceps. So when you lift your arm to really flex the biceps, it’s working on that part. It really sticks out. This is a really nice way I would say to end your biceps workout.